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Spiritual Emergency Network Team

Who is SENT?

A team of individuals from churches and ministries available to be contacted and sent out to minister the love of Christ during or after an emergency situation in our communities and state.


What is Involved ?

We ask that you have one point person who will recruit and encourage a group of volunteers/chaplains that are known to be capable of chaplain style interaction with people during and following a crisis. 

We ask that you also stay current in chaplain skills/training at our annual SENT Training and Equipping or through other training.


When would SENT be activated ?

Activation would be through local/state Emergency Management leaders, who contact the SENT leader to activate the team. The SENT leader contacts all the SENT team point persons asking them to contact/activate the members of their group. Participation in activation is always voluntary based on availability.


Activation could also be requested by SENT team members who have a crisis need in their own communities.  Volunteers would be activated by the SENT leader to respond as available through the SENT communication network.


Where could we be sent?

SENT members could be requested to serve in their local communities or in another part of Nebraska.  When activation occurs participation is voluntary and based on your availability.


Why have a Spiritual Emergency Network Team?

We believe there is a true need for a network of Christians ready to respond to local and state crisis situations. Following natural disasters, shootings, or riots, there is an increased need for spiritual/emotional outreach in our communities. Christians have not been organized and ready to respond in the recent past. It is our hope that  SENT could fill the gap and bring Christ’s love and compassion when it is most needed.  


How do I join the team?

Pray and seek a point person as well as those who would serve well in a chaplain role during or after a crisis.  This may be an individual, two or three people, or more. Submit the following information for each one of you and please note who the point person is for your group.  The point person would be the one to contact your group members directly in an activation.

Join The Team

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

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