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December 2023

What happened in November and what is coming up

November was a wonderful month for us. We hosted gatherings such as a Prayer Training with leaders from across the state who attended, a prayer retreat for Lincoln Pastors, as well as our regularly scheduled meetings, including leaders connection dinners and weekly prayer gatherings and time in western Nebraska meeting with pastors and leaders. You can see some of what took place this month below.


We are inviting churches, ministries, and prayer groups to participate in a prayer project. Our mission as NECLF is to connect and support the Body of Christ; this means fellow disciples of Jesus being connected and supporting one another. (1 Cor 12:12-26) You might not be aware but we have many Christian Leaders working in our government. This past year was especially challenging for those who serve in our state's legislature. Senators would regularly thank us for our encouragement and prayers. 

Pastor Gantz, from Gordon NE, suggested that we be intentional, as the church, in supporting our leaders. Churches from across the state have the opportunity to "take a day on the wall" to partner together and pray for our leaders during this upcoming 2024 legislative session.

In 1 Timothy 2, Paul lists this as a priority in prayer

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

We are asking churches across Nebraska to take a day and fulfill this scripture. When you sign up for your church day we will send you resources and a prayer guide to guide your time of prayer. How each church structures this time of prayer will be according to what works for your church. Click for links to Take A Day On The Wall.

We appreciate all of our ministry partners. God is at work through each of our lives and as we connect to support in prayer and finances what he is doing the testimonies of his goodness and faithfulness continue to be a daily reminder that we are about the Father's business. If you would like to partner with us as a volunteer, prayer partner, or financially please reach out or use the link below.


Jason Kirsch

Lead Facilitator 


Join us for an intimate night of worship and prayer hosted by the Worship Leader Network and the Nebraska Christian Leaders Forum. With a desire to see gospel revival in Lincoln we will lift up our city and the Church in prayer.

NECLF hosted a day of prayer training with Billie Boatwright. Here Max Chapman with More Mercy is surrounded by a prayer team. The recordings of the sessions can be found on our YouTube page.

Within Reach in Omaha hosted the State of the City luncheon. The work done in partnership with Barna Research was presented to pastors and leaders from across the city.

Alpha Nebraska is conducting discipleship classes in 5 corrections facilities in Nebraska and this is one of the classes that graduated from the course this month.

Pastor Evan hosted a leader's lunch with the National Association of Evangelicals. It was a very informative time as we discussed "Loving Our Neighbors Well - A Biblical Approach to Immigration".

Barry Young with Serving Heroes in Lincoln Nebraska to train our first responder chaplains and church safety teams.

Thank you to Scott at The Crossing Retreat Center in Lexington for the tour and for giving us inspiration for things to come.

Pastor Steve Warriner, former senior pastor in Grand Island, and current NECLF council member reminds us that "Nothing is Impossible with God" Thank you Steve, for your continued guidance and encouragement in the work we do together!

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