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March 2024

This week I have been aware of how much goes on around us that we don't see. Every day we interact with each other for a moment or maybe a few minutes where we have an opportunity to connect. In these connections, we get a glimpse into another person's life. Most times we don't see the struggles and challenges the other person is facing.  

While finishing a meeting this week, someone I knew walked past, and as we said "Hi" I could tell something was off. They very briefly said that they were feeling a bit under the weather so I wished them well and we each continued on our way. As I left, I realized I missed an opportunity. First to introduce two people who didn't know each other and second to take a moment and offer to pray for them.  

I have been thinking about the large variety of different people groups that we all interact with every day. How many of these interactions are transactional where one or both of us have a request for the other person? How often do we have a conversation that doesn't have an agenda or desired outcome? A scripture that I have been meditating on a lot lately is John 15:13. "No greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." As we see so many ways God is using us to connect the Church there are still so many opportunities that I miss. I am convinced that I should be "laying down my life" (or schedule) more often for those I am around. 

The next meeting I had that morning, the one I was in a hurry to get to, was with a retired pastor and a young pastor. The three of us were discussing and planning an outing for pastors and spouses. The purpose of the outing will be fellowship, just leaders who have similar responsibilities to have time together. I missed an opportunity to connect with someone so I could get to a meeting to talk about having time to connect with others. 

John Bunyan said, "You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you."

What an amazing goal. My prayer is that God would show me the opportunities to lay down my schedule and agenda, (if not my life) to be more available for the person who God puts in my path.


2024 State Legislator Prayer Teams

Sign up your church to pray for elected leaders. If your church has not taken a day to pray please sign up for one. March and April have days available.

Jason traveled to Madison, Wisconsin, and joined meetings with pastors and leaders collaborating on city and neighborhood projects. He also had a meeting with leaders at the University of Wisconsin with "Upper House". It is great to hear what God is doing in other places as well as across our state.

This month we hosted our State Leaders Roundtable. This is where pastors and leaders meet for strategic conversations and share what is happening in Nebraska.

Gave a message on Biblical Christian Unity at the Lincoln Youth Leaders Luncheon.

Several leaders from Lincoln joined the Ablaze Worship night with Fr. Michael Voithofer.

Speaking at an event at the Governor's Mansion....every day is different, but God is working in every opportunity and assignment.

New Volunteer Coordinator

We are excited to have Angee Hock from Kearney joining the team as the volunteer coordinator. Since the NECLF is a volunteer-run organization she is a treasured part of the team. CLICK HERE for the volunteer newsletter with Angee's Bio.

If you want to join the volunteer team please get in touch with the office, or reply to this email.



"...may they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me." -John 17:23

April 26 1345 New Hampshire St. 6-8:30

April 27 211 N 14th St. 8AM - 2:30PM

The Gathering Network is excited to officially announce the Unity & Conflict Conference, co-sponsored with the Nebraska Christian Leaders Forum. We will start together on Friday night, from 6:00 to 8:30, and continue on Saturday from 8:00 to 2:30, with a break for lunch.

Unity is a Christian value that is often talked about, but rarely taught how.  Over the course of these two days, we will seek to move from theoretical ideas to practical & simple tools/frameworks that we can utilize in our missional communities. A few ideas that will be covered include:

  • Our unity in Christ is a beautiful gift, yet how willing are we to receive it?

  • If we are seeking to embody God's Kingdom with one another in missional communities, conflict is inevitable. Do I know what my triggers are?

  • Followers of Jesus are called to be peacemakers - what can I do to look at the log in my own eye before the speck in my brother's? Do I know how to help others look at that?

In John 17 Jesus prayed for us, saying "I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me."  The validity of Jesus' love and incarnation rests on the testimony of our unity.

Register HERE to grow in your ability & commitment to "make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace."  Early bird registration before March 15th is $35, which includes breakfast bagels and lunch on Saturday. This conference is open to anyone, whether they are part of The Gathering Network or not. Seats are limited, so I hope to see you there!

Grace & Peace,

Alex Rousseau, Director of Ministry


This year we are having a campaign to add monthly donors. Monthly donors allow us to budget and plan for the work we are doing. We are at the point in the life of the ministry where we are outpacing the supply we currently receive. We need to get to a point as soon as possible where we have 100 monthly donors partnering at 100 dollars per month. If you would like to hear more in detail about the work we are doing please let us know. This newsletter doesn't give the exciting details. To be one of the 100 (or a part of a 100)...... 


Jason Kirsch

Lead Facilitator

Nebraska Christian Leaders Forum (NECLF)


Mailing address

Po Box 6142 

Lincoln NE 68506


Upcoming dates across the state. 

March 1-3 Women's Encounter (Lexington)

March 4th Oasis (Kearney)

March 4th Paint the State Prayer (Zoom) 6:30 PM Central Time

March 6th City Leaders Prayer (Lincoln)

March 7th Worship Night (Lincoln)

March 9th Men in the Gap (NP)

March 14th Mental Health Care Discovery Session (Omaha)

March 20th Youth Pastor Prayer (Lincoln)

March 27th Evangelism Huddle (Lincoln)

March 27th Youth Madness (NP)

March 31st Resurrection Sunday!! (Everywhere)

April 3rd City Leaders Prayer (Lincoln)

April 8th State First Responder Chaplains (Zoom)

April 10th Worship Leader Network (Lincoln)

April 13th Men in the Gap (NP)

April 13th Payer at the Capitol (Lincoln)

April 17th Youth Pastor Prayer

April 18th Within Reach Citywide Gathering (Omaha)

April 24th Evangelism Huddle

May 2nd National Day of Prayer (If you are hosting a gathering in your city please let us know)

May 21st and 22nd Pastors Camping Trip

If you need more information on one of the dates, please don't hesitate to contact us. 

If you have an event in your city that you would like to add please email the information to It will be posted at the admin's discretion.

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