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February 2024

The number of people receiving this newsletter has grown significantly in the last 6 months. If you're new let me give you some background. We exist to bring together and support Christian Leaders. One of the questions we try to answer is what does it look like when John 17:20-23 and Matthew 28:19 are being fulfilled.

John 17:20 “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[b] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Every day we endeavor to work together with others to accomplish the assignment Jesus gave us in the Great Commission and develop relationships as leaders so that we might become an interconnected body of believers in the different cities across Nebraska. We believe this is a part of what he meant when he said "I will build my church....."

One of our focuses is on hosting in-person prayer gatherings and coordinating prayer for our leaders with the churches and organizations across the state. (Pastors there are still days available to take a day and pray for our leaders. Link below) It is amazing how God answers prayer.

NECLF also functions as a point of connection and resource. Whether it's connecting churches and ministries or helping find solutions that arise for leaders and organizations we know that God intended for us to work and minister together for his Kingdom purposes in our cities and with those who are our neighbors. 

If you would like to know more about what takes place across our state through the work we do and groups who have a similar call and purpose take a look at a few of the events from January below. 

As we continue to serve leaders in the state you can join with us. Volunteers can partner in many areas; including administration, intercessors and prayer leaders, communications, copywriters, researchers, and so many other ways. Reply to this email or contact our office and we would be happy to help you find a place to serve and minister with us or another ministry in the state.

Religious Freedom Day - January 16th

Governor Pillen signed a proclamation declaring January 16th be observed as Religious Freedom Day. Many state senators and several ministries stood in support of this proclamation.

Flourish - Leader, Church, City

Within Reach in Omaha hosted their city-wide summit "Flourish - Leader, Church, City." It was great to have a group of leaders from Lincoln and central Nebraska attend this gathering of pastors and leaders from Omaha.

First Responder Chaplain's meeting in Kearney

NECLF hosted a First Responder Chaplain's meeting in Kearney. These leaders each represent volunteers in different cities who minister to and support our police, fire, EMS, 911 dispatchers, sheriffs, and state patrol.

The Gospel Coalition pastor's gathering

The Gospel Coalition Nebraska hosted a pastor's gathering in Lincoln.

Worship Leader Network of Lincoln

Worship Leader Network of Lincoln gathering for lunch together.

We appreciate all those who have supported the work we are doing. Whether you pray, volunteer, or support financially you have a part in what God is doing through NECLF throughout Nebraska.

We regularly hear from pastors, elected leaders, and ministry leaders serving every area of society how encouraged they are knowing that God is at work and we all have a part in his plans. Whether it's our prayer gatherings, prayer for leaders (1Tim2), training, or just being able to have coffee with a pastor and encourage them in the challenges. None of it would be possible without you. 

This year we are having a campaign to add monthly donors. Monthly donors allow us to budget and plan for the work we are doing. We are at the point in the life of the ministry where we are outpacing the supply we currently receive. We need to get to a point as soon as possible where we have 100 monthly donors partnering at 100 dollars per month. If you would like to hear more in detail about the work we are doing please let us know. This newsletter doesn't give any of the exciting details. To be one of the 100 (or a part of a 100) 

Upcoming dates across the state. 

February 1st WLN and NECLF Worship Night (Lincoln)

February 3rd NECLF Volunteer Appreciation Celebration (Lincoln)

February 7th City Leaders Prayer (Lincoln)

February 8th Religious Freedom Seminar (Omaha)

February 10th Men in the Gap (NP)

February 15th Youth Leaders Luncheon (Lincoln)

February 11-17th Nebraska week at David's Tent (Washington DC) 

February 21st Youth Pastors Prayer (Lincoln)

February 23rd NECLF State Leaders Roundtable (Lincoln)

February 28th Evangelism Huddle (Lincoln)

March 1-3 Women's Encounter (Lexington)

March 6th City Leaders Prayer (Lincoln)

March 9th Men in the Gap (NP)

March 20th Youth Pastor Prayer (Lincoln)

March 27th Evangelism Huddle (Lincoln)

March 27th Youth Madness (NP)

April 3rd City Leaders Prayer (Lincoln)

April 8th State First Responder Chaplains (Zoom)

April 13th Men in the Gap (NP)

April 13th Prayer at the Capitol (Lincoln)

If you need more information on one of the dates, please don't hesitate to contact us. 

If you have an event in your city that you would like to add please email the information to It will be posted at the admin's discretion.


Jason Kirsch

Lead Facilitator

Nebraska Christian Leaders Forum (NECLF)


Mailing address

Po Box 6142 

Lincoln NE 68506

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