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Newsletter - August 2023

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

As summer is wrapping up I hope you have had some time relaxing with family and friends.

This fall is shaping up to be a very full schedule for the Nebraska Christian Leaders Forum. Beyond our normal monthly gatherings the months of August and September have quite a few conferences, banquets, and corporate gatherings that will be taking place. It is exciting to see the church being built up, strengthened, and equipped.

In July we hosted our first State Prayer Leaders and Intercessors gathering. It was very encouraging to be able to hear from so many who are leading regular prayer meetings and celebrating together the years of those faithfully seeking God on behalf of Nebraska.

As we each shared, a plan began to form around “painting the state” in prayer and there is a concerted effort to pray for the border (while physically driving it) and pray for each county. We are connecting so we can increase how we are praying together. This is leading into new opportunities to join together for prayer in the future. Click Hereto receive the prayer updates.

I have realized that many have struggled to know exactly what NECLF is all about and what we are doing. Let me take this opportunity to share.

The concept is simple, see the Church that Jesus is building grow and connect together. In John 17 Jesus prayed that we would be one, in unity with him and the Father and also in unity (oneness) with each other. We see this described in scripture using the picture of a physical body. (Romans 12:3-4, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 and Ephesians 4:1-5). In western church culture many times we interpret this in the context of “our church”, the local congregation that we fellowship with. That is not an incorrect application of these scriptures but maybe too limited. Jesus will one day return for his bride. A singular bride not many. This means there should be and will be a connecting together of those who are disciples of Christ. In the early church this expression of his body was the church (all believers in the city. We know from John 17:21 and 23 that this prayer for unity in and through him must be answered as a testimony of Jesus the world can see.

It can be difficult to see or understand how to love believers who we have never met who live in other parts of the world. We can however love our neighbor. Today we are also asking “who is my neighbor?” Just as in Luke 10:29. In 1 Thessalonians 5:12 we are told to honor those who labor in the Lords work among us. How do we love and honor our neighbor (especially in the Church) if we don’t know them?

These ideas around connection and relationship are at the center of what we do. There are a variety of ways that we facilitate this.

One on one conversations. . Everyday we are meeting with leaders and developing relationships, helping to problem solve, and make necessary connections. I rarely meet with someone with out making an introduction to someone else that would be a great fit with what they are doing.

Prayer. We know apart from God we can do nothing. This means we seek God for his wisdom and strategy in everything we do individually and corporately as we gather together. When we gather and pray together we see God joining us together as we carry each others burdens in the challenging times and rejoice together as God answers our prayers. NECLF is facilitating times of prayer every week for pastors and other leaders.

Fellowship. There is something about breaking bread together that strengthens community and relationship. We are regularly coming together for meals and connection.

Strategy. What is happening in our community and state that gives us an opportunity as the church to be “salt and light”. What conversations can we have as leaders to encourage the church to be growing in a healthy way and engaging the world around us. We facilitate several of these “roundtable” type meetings every year with leaders from different cities and backgrounds.

Out of the times of seeking the Lord and discussing the strategies that he reveals to us he is leading us to help equip the Church together in our cities and state. We are looking at how do we work collaboratively to be faithful in what he has shown us. What training could be provided to the build up and increase the effectiveness of the work being done? We have then connected with those who can provide the instruction and training to make this available to pastors and leaders.

I know I said at the beginning this was simple and it is. Jesus instruction to the believer is, love God, love our neighbor, and make disciples who become part of the church, the Body of Christ. It’s a simple concept with an almost unlimited number of ways to practically live this out. We can be better in the tasks God has given us to accomplish if we work to be connected and in unity with him and each other.

Here are opportunities we currently have to connect through the Nebraska Christian Leaders Forum.

Prayer leaders and intercessors. Coming together to pray in “one accord”. (Regular Prayer updates coming soon).

Pastors and ministers roundtables. (Invitation only, let us know if your are interested in an invitation)

S.E.N.T. (Spiritual Emergency Network Team). Preparing to come together in a time of disaster or emergency to provide spiritual care as the hands a feet of Jesus to our communities.

Newsletter. Updates and community calendar. Email your events to

Health Assessments for churches. Want to know if your church is healthy from a biblical standpoint or what are a would benefit from developing a plan to strengthen an area. We have a customizable tool and training to help achieve this.


  • First Wednesday City Leaders Prayer

  • Youth Pastors Prayer

  • Worship Leader Network

  • Evangelism Huddle

  • Pastors prayer groups

  • Fellowship Dinners

  • Trainings

  • Biannual pastors Luncheon

  • Annual Prayer Summit

  • S.E.N.T.

  • Pastors days at the Capitol

If you would like more information please feel free to reach out to find out how to connect and partner with the work God has called us to do together. As you con probably tell having financial partners are vital to be able to accomplish what we do. To become a financial partner, either one time or ongoing monthly please use the button below.


Jason Kirsch

Lead Facilitator


Jung leading worship to start the Prayer Leaders and Intercessors gathering.

Jason was the substitute teacher for the Capitol Studies weekly bible study,

but he forgot to take a picture... so the picture is from the previous week

with Pastor Arin Hess leading.

Lincoln Pastors and spouses fellowship dinner.

Gathering of Nebraska Prayer Leaders and Intercessors.

Pastor Mike Kidder and Jason were guest speakers at the Liberian

Community Nebraska Chapter celebration of the 176th Independence

Day of Libera.

Thank you to Pastor James and Shirley Teah for having us join you!

Upcoming dates across the state:

Previous month events:

  • August 2nd, City Leaders Prayer (Lincoln)

  • August 5th, Connect to Protect Conference (Lincoln) Click Here for info

  • August 11-13 Encounter the Cross Mens Weekend (Lexington) Click Here

  • August 19th Every Man A Warrior (Maxwell)

  • August 21-26 "Painting the State" Prayer

  • August 23rd Evangelism Huddle (Lincoln)

  • August 25-27 Equipped to Overcome (Lincoln)

  • August 26th Kingdom to the Capitol with Sean Feucht and Let us Worship (Lincoln)

  • August 28th Oasis (Kearney)

If you need more information on one of the events, please don't hesitate to contact us.

If you have an event in your city that you would like to add please email the information to It will be posted at the admin's discretion.


Jason Kirsch

Lead Facilitator

Nebraska Christian Leaders Forum (NECLF)


Mailing address

Po Box 6142

Lincoln NE 68506

All donations to Nebraska Christian Leaders Forum are tax-deductible.

NECLF is a 501C3 organization.

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