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October 2023

Updated: Dec 6, 2023

Anchor Bible Church launched as a new church in Lincoln.

Pastor Matt McGrew preaching for the first Sunday service.

Growing up our family lived in the country. We weren't farmers, but as an industrious lad, I was always up for helping out the neighbors on their farms. Sometimes I was motivated by getting my friends some free time after the chores were completed, and other times it was so I could make money. One memory from that time was coming home after a day of scraping manure off the floors in a hog barn. I didn't give a second thought that the activities of the day might have given me a certain odor that I carried home with me. My mother's reaction when I entered the house was unmistakable. I stunk and was advised to remedy the situation....outside. I had become accustomed to the smell and I was "nose blind". I was totally unaware of my own situation and had been saturated by the environment that I was working in.

A few years ago a pastor moved to our city and asked me about things he had noticed that were different from where he pastored previously. Even though it was only a few hundred miles away there was a different mindset and culture than what he was used to. This month we had a guest stay here in Nebraska with us from Europe. It is always eye-opening what I can learn from having a brother or sister come visit from another place. I always ask them what they observe and what stands out to them. Things we don't think twice about because they are normal for us but are shocking to them. The insight that we don't have can come from these conversations if we are willing to let God use this feedback to develop and grow us. The first pastor recently told me "The fresh eyes for the city have become accustomed to what we live with. The things that used to stand out I don't really notice anymore" I would encourage you to spend time around those with different cultural backgrounds (especially those who are part of the family of God) and see what can be uncovered and gained from each other and hearing honest feedback.

It has been an amazing month of seeing God at work in our state. We continue to see Jesus building his Church and working to accomplish his goodwill in and through each of us. Below are just a few examples of things that happened during September.

Blessings, Jason Kirsch Lead Facilitator NECLF

P.S. On November 11th We will be hosting prayer training. Please plan to join us in Lincoln. More information will be sent out in the coming days.

Great write-up about Grace Fellowship's Jeremiah 29

project in Kearney. CLICK HERE for the article.

Rob McCorkle speaking at the Deeper Conference.

Click Here for recordings.

Christ Lincoln hosted this quarter's Worship Leaders

Network meeting in Lincoln. Thank you Dr. Bret Westead

(New Covenant Church) for a great message.

Click Here for info on WLN

Several churches in Grand Island came together

for a public worship night at Railside.

At various events, we keep hearing how much fellow

believers desire to see God move through his people

to transform the lives of our neighbors and communities.

(Thank you to Steve Johnson for helping to "man the table")

5K "Fun Run" (or walk) for Child Evangelism Fellowship of Lincoln.

George Markakis from Athens Greece recording the

"Who is God?" podcast with Thaddeus Fonck. When

this airs we will post the link on the Facebook page

and website.

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